Basic Data

Stock market segment: SDAX - Prime Standard
Stock exchanges: Frankfurt a.M., Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Munich, Stuttgart Xetra (Exchange Electronic Trade)
Number of shares: 110,396,220
Category: Bearer ordinary shares with no face value (shares without par value) with a nominal amount of the share capital in the amount of €1.-- each.
Securities identification number (WKN): 549,309
International Securities Identification Number (ISIN): DE0005493092
Stock exchange ticker abbreviation: BVB
Designated Sponsor: Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe Privatbank AG (since 01/07/2023)

Share Capital

The share capital of Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA amounts to 110,396,220.00 EUR and is divided into that same number of shares with no par value or face value.

The general partner is authorised until 18 November 2025, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, to increase the share capital by a maximum of EUR 3,780.00 in total by issuing new no-par value ordinary bearer shares against cash contributions on one or more occasions (Authorised Capital 2020).

Development of the Share Capital
28/02/2000 Share capital upon registration of the company in the commercial register 1,950,000.00 EUR
31/10/2000 Share capital after going public 19,500,000.00 EUR
22/10/2004 Share capital after capital increase in 2004 29,250,000.00 EUR
23/06/2006 Share capital after capital increase in 2006 (1) 43,875,000.00 EUR
19/09/2006 Share capital after capital increase in 2006 (2) 61,425,000.00 EUR
03/07/2014 Share capital after capital increase 2014 (1) 67,545,011.00 EUR
10/09/2014 Share capital after capital increase in 2014 (2) 92,000,000.00 EUR
06/10/2021 Share capital after capital increase in 2021 110,396,220.00 EUR